Economic Development

old mill

The Economic Development of Carroll County traces from the subsistence agriculture of the pioneer settlers to small market agriculture and cottage industries. Retail businesses, service industries (like the grist mill shown, blacksmith, wheelwright, gunsmiths, etc.) and light manufacturing followed. The logging industry has long contributed to the county economy and today modern industrial parks host major manufacturers.

Professions including medicine, banking, insurance, media (newspaper, radio) and others are all subjects for historical study. The local Chambers of Commerce and Industrial Development Authority promote the economic prosperity of the county. Utilities to include electric, telephone, Internet, Satellite TV, and wireless communication are among the many economic topics of interest.


Hotels, motels, restaurants, Bed & Breakfasts are among hospitality businesses in the county. Auto dealerships and service stations; drug, department, hardware, clothing, appliance, and food stores are among the many regional wholesalers and retailers of the county. Their histories are subjects for preservation and presentation.

An illegal economy has long existed in the county:
from moonshine to marijuana. That history also contributes to the narrative about Carroll County.

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Carroll County Historical Society and Museum
Preserving and Presenting the History of the County of Carroll, Commonwealth of Virginia. Contact us: By Mail – PO Box 937 - Hillsville, VA 24343 | By Phone – (276) 728 – 4113 | By Email – | On Facebook – | Or come visit us in the Historic Courthouse at: 515 North Main Street - Hillsville, VA 24343
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