The Civil War of 1861-1865 is only one aspect of Carroll County’s significant military history but that one conflict defines much of the character of today’s citizen: patriotic, sacrificial, devoted to family and faith, service to home and nation. The Civil War drum shown in this photo was manufactured in the Hillsville blacksmith shop of Joshua Mabry; it was carried throughout the war by Alfred Gardner, of the 29th Virginia Infantry. He stood with it at Appomattox and then carried it on foot back to his native Carroll County.

But citizens of Carroll have fought in all the wars of these United States: French & Indian, American Revolution, War of 1812, Spanish-American, WWI and WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and others. Together with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Grover King Post 1115 and the Disabled American Veterans, the Historical Society tries to preserve the narratives of our citizen soldiers and to honor their service.

Uniforms from all major conflicts, except The Spanish-American War, are presently on display. We are in the stages of planning a Vietnam Display and would welcome any donations and/or loans you have to offer.

Carroll County Historical Society and Museum

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